July 2024 Sailing Update
Published 01:00 on 20 Jul 2024
Report by Derek Budden Rear Commodore, Sailing.
Things have been pretty quiet on the Racing front at PSC for the moment. The Tempests are still competing currently in the Summer Keelboat series and will be out on Sunday.
Away from the Club Simon with Jambo (J92S) competed in the Taittinger Regatta Yarmouth.
James Vineer with Kachina (Squib) Competed in Squib Nationals in Edinburgh taking best mid fleet Trophy.
David Lloyd won Dart Nationals in Liverpool.
So a big well done to these PSC members for waving our club burgee and letting others know we are here. Thanks Guys.
In the near Future David Lloyd is Entered into Dart World Championships in Italy September and I am entered into Tempest World Championships in Switzerland also in September.
Yes that dreaded subject. RYA has now dropped NHC in Favour of YTC. We spoke of this a few years back and there wasn't interest in us changing. However, the combined clubs are using this system and if PSC yachts wish to enter you will need a rating. Due to this we are also changing to this by dropping our NHC and changing to YTC for the Autumn Parhelion series but we will still have club class and IRC options
So please go online and apply for your YTC Rating. It is issued by RORC but with no cost. I managed to get all data I needed from a sales brochure it was very easy. So please get your Rating in place and let me know what it is. IRC Boats please take time and do this as well thanks.
Last updated 13:09 on 20 July 2024