Virtual Regatta - Instructions and E racing guide
Some members are enjoying some virtual racing whilst we cannot get on the water ourselves. The current plan is to start races at 1930 every evening. Typically expect a couple of races, each taking less than 10 minutes. If you wish to take part in a PSC organised race, go to the Virtual Regatta website, select 'Custom Race', then 'Join' and you will be asked for an access code. Access codes and supporting 'chat' around virtual racing will be contained within the PSC Virtual racing WhatsApp group. Please email if you wish to join the WhatsApp group and join the fun 'on the water'!
A recording of a Virtual Regatta demonstration (with audio) is available - here
Before competing, I would recommend that you read the guide here and attend the online sailing school!
Last updated 20:50 on 19 November 2024